The incident that was reported by PC Dickson Mandera Mauti It happened on 25th October 2021 at about 2130hrs while the said officer was at his house at Kirimon Police Post.
The officer reported that he heard the door of the report office/armoury which is also the house of the in charge police post SGT Thomas Letilit being broken into which at first he thought Sgt Letilit was the one breaking it because he had broken it several times after loosing keys,shortly he heard a gun shot and he peeped through the door and never saw any movement .
He then got out of his house and proceeded to the office.On arrival, he found the door to the room where steel box is kept having been broken into and the steel box was opened.On checking, he found out that two G3 firearms with two magazines and 40 rounds of 7.62mm missing .
The then alerted his seniors and the scene was visited by SCCIO Samburu Central and OCS Suguta Marmar who established that there was no officer manning the report office/armoury.
The incharge of the police post, Sgt Letilit who was not present during the time of the incident alleges that he had rushed home and left two officers at the post, PC Mauti and PC Samwel Alma. According to the OB entries, PC Mauti was on duty as from 0600hrs to 1756hrs where he handed over to PC Alma.On the other hand PC Alma claims that he was not on duty and never took over from PC Mauti.
One spent cartridge of 7.62mm special recovered outside the post, broken padlock and door latch kept as exhibits.
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