The curtain to the illustrious life of the late mzee Joseph Mugambi Kola finally came down today during a solemn send off service held at Eregi Teachers Training College’ training grounds.
In a ceremony well attended, speakers recalled a rich life held by the late. He was remembered as a commandant of Kenya Police College, Kiganjo and finally as PPO Rift Valley before retirement.
NPS was represented by a strong delegation from its rank and file led by Mr. Nyale Munga, Principal Assistant to IG, Mr. Joseph Ashimalla, Deputy Director of DCI, Western RCO madam Peris Muthoni Kimani, and Police Spokesperson Mr Bruno Shioso amongst others.
Virtues of the late were extolled and hailed as an example to serving officers.
May the soul of late Mr. Joseph Mugambi Kola rest in eternal peace and may his memory be a blessing, Amen🙏🏿
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