Mtito Andei police officers have arrested two suspects and recovered railway line blocks that had been vandalised along the SGR line leading to a two hour delay on the passenger train as engineers were fixing the damage on 22nd November 2021.
In an intelligence led operation done earlier today, police officers recovered all the twenty two (22) pieces of Gauge Blocks and one (1) Fish Plate vandalised from the SGR line.
The items were part of a haul that was being loaded into a waiting lorry at a scrap metal yard at Machinery trading centre, Kinyambu location, Mtito Andei.
Michael Mbevi, the scrap metal dealer alongside the lorry driver, Nicodemus Kyove were arrested and are in custody as investigation to arrest their accomplices is intensified. The two will be charged with Economic sabotage and terrorism related offences.
The standard gauge railway is a key national infrastructure that supports the socio-economic development of our country. While the service is mandated to provide an enabling environment for businesses to thrive, we strongly warn business people against similar unscrupulous dealings.
The police said that they will take strong action against any unlawful act or an act of sabotage along the railway infrastructure.
Kenya Yetu News ©2021