It was reported by the Sub County Police Commander Butere that today 26/10/2021 they arrested Ref.OB 89/26/10/2021 PC JOHN KENNEDY CHIBEIYA of Butere  Sub County CIPU command within Kakamega.

The officers recovered one mobile phone make Galaxy A02  which was  reported at Kakamega Polic3 Station vide OB 5/3/9/2021 in relation to robbery incident  which one MILDRED MUKUNDE was attacked by two men armed with panga and rungu riding on a motorcycle wearing jungle police smoke jackets.
Mildred Mukunde reported that she was robbed her off two mobile phones make Samsung Galaxy and Techno buton and cash money kshs.5000/ by two men who were on a motorbike.
Following the recovery, the accused was placed in custody for further investigation.The same officer  on 28 August 2021  left his place of duty at County Commissioners residence and went into a bar in kakamega town while armed and caused commotion where two bar maids were assaulted  in the bar.
In the imcident,  a magazine of his rifle got lost which was later recovered .An inquiry file was opened to that effect and forwarded to the ODPP . The complaints in the assault case withdrew the case after proclaiming affidavit from the court.
The officer has been venturing in many  crime activities an indication of him becoming habitual criminal  .
Kenya Yetu News ©2021

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