Open Letter to Police Drivers: A Word of Advice


Dear Police Driver,

We understand that you are highly trained and qualified to operate police vehicles, equipped with tactical and defensive driving techniques. Your role is vital in ensuring the safe transportation of officers and maintaining law and order.


However, it is important to remember that safety must always come first. As the driver, both you and the officer in the front seat are safeguarded by seat belts. Yet, the officers at the back of the lorry or Land Cruiser have no such protection. They are at risk of being thrown from the vehicle or injured if there is reckless driving or sudden maneuvers. Over-speeding can be fatal, not only to you but to everyone under your care.

Drive carefully. Be your brothers’ keeper, always mindful of the responsibility that comes with your position. Additionally, please communicate with your colleagues with courtesy and respect. A decent tone and mutual understanding go a long way in fostering teamwork and trust within the unit.


Your actions behind the wheel can save lives. Let’s prioritize safety on the road—every journey counts.

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